Typing on a keyboard

How to fix an unresponsive keyboard on Lenovo Yoga running Linux

I recently installed Ubuntu Linux on a Lenovo Yoga Slim 7 Pro, although I had to connect an external keyboard to go through the installation process because the built-in keyboard was completely unresponsive! Luckily I came across this Stack Overflow answer which did the trick for me. Once the installation was complete I needed to edit the GRUB config to fix this. sudo vim /etc/default/grub Add these parameters to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX like so:...

14 January 2023 · 1 min · Toby Scott
MacOS Sierra

How to extract an old macOS installer from PKG on a newer version of macOS

Background I have an old 2016 Intel MacBook Pro that I’ve had running Ubuntu for a while but could never get the sound to work in Linux so I decided to reinstall macOS on it. Should be easy right? Wrong… Instead of setting up a dual boot situation, I cleverly decided to wipe the whole hard drive in favour of Ubuntu, recovery partitions and all. But no matter, Intel Macs can boot into an internet recovery system without the recovery partition by holding ⌘ R on power....

1 January 2023 · 5 min · Toby Scott

Signing your commits with GPG (GNU Privacy Guard)

1. Pre-requisites Install GPG and PINEntry if not already installed For Mac, install via Homebrew: brew install gpg pinentry-mac For Linux, install via your distro’s package manager. For Windows, you can either use WSL and install via the distro’s package manager, or download GPG4Win and install the following components: GnuPG Kleopatra GpgOL GpgEX Check what GPG key pairs you have already # List all public keys gpg --list-keys # List all private keys gpg --list-secret-keys 2....

18 April 2022 · 4 min · Toby Scott

Increasing VirtualBox's video memory limit

VirtualBox seems to have a tiny limit on VRAM, luckily there’s a way around it! Open your terminal and run the following, with your VM name in the quotation marks. vboxmanage modifyvm "Arch Linux VM" --vram 256 Now open VirtualBox and you will see the amount of video memory has been increased to 256Mb, double the default limit. You can go as high as your hardware allows :)

22 November 2021 · 1 min · Toby Scott
Arch Linux

Installing Arch Linux and i3WM

1. Installing the base system Boot from the installation media and run the installer with the following command: # archinstall guided (Fun fact: This is a python script so # python -m archinstall guided works too) When prompted to select a network interface to configure, choose Use NetworkManager to control and manage your internet connection. When prompted to reboot, shutdown your computer, remove the installation media, and turn on the PC....

18 November 2021 · 7 min · Toby Scott