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VISUAL vs EDITOR - Understanding the Difference

In Unix-like systems, you’ll see two environment variables frequently associated with text editing: VISUAL and EDITOR. At first glance, they look interchangeable — you’ll often see them both set to the same editor. Historically, though, there’s a reason they exist separately, and in certain environments today you may still benefit from giving them different values. Historical Context Line Editors vs Visual Editors Very early terminals had no cursor-positioning features. So editors (such as ed and ex) were command-based “line editors”....

20 January 2025 · 4 min · Toby Scott
Kubuntu desktop screenshot

Configuring Kubuntu

Until recently, Arch Linux has been my daily driver. I love the rolling release model and you really can’t fault the AUR. But always getting the latest features and patches is a double edged sword because along with those benefits come the latest bugs and issues. I considered the benefits to outweigh the short comings up until one dreadful day… # Updating my system with an AUR helper as per normal paru # Things started playing up so I restarted my machine sudo reboot now And my system was bricked....

7 November 2023 · 4 min · Toby Scott