
Authenticating Git and GitHub CLI over SSH

Prerequisites Install GitHub CLI if you haven’t already brew install gh Check that you are logged out. gh auth status You are not logged into any GitHub hosts. Run gh auth login to authenticate. If you’re still logged in, logout. gh auth status ✓ Logged in to as tobyscott25 (keyring) ✓ Git operations for configured to use https protocol. ✓ Token: gho_************************************ ✓ Token scopes: gist, read:org, repo, workflow gh auth logout ✓ Logged out of github....

8 January 2024 · 4 min · Toby Scott

Signing your commits with GPG (GNU Privacy Guard)

1. Pre-requisites Install GPG and PINEntry if not already installed For Mac, install via Homebrew: brew install gpg pinentry-mac For Linux, install via your distro’s package manager. For Windows, you can either use WSL and install via the distro’s package manager, or download GPG4Win and install the following components: GnuPG Kleopatra GpgOL GpgEX Check what GPG key pairs you have already # List all public keys gpg --list-keys # List all private keys gpg --list-secret-keys 2....

18 April 2022 · 4 min · Toby Scott